第一章 總 則 |
第一條 |
本會名稱為社團法人台灣消費者保護協會(以下簡稱本會)。 |
第二條 |
本會為依法設立之公益性社會團體,宗旨為:保障消費者權益,提升消費者地位,推廣消費者教育。 |
第三條 |
本會以全國行政區域為組織區域。 |
第四條 |
會址及分支機構之地址於設置及變更時應報請主管機關核備。 |
第五條 |
十三、其他有關消費者權益之保護事項。 |
第六條 |
本會之主管機關為內政部。本會之目的事業應受各該事業主管機關之指導、監督。 |
第二章 會 員 |
第七條 |
請書,經理事會通過,並繳納會費。團體會員應推派代表十人,以行使會員權利。 |
第八條 |
會員(會員代表)有表決權、選舉權、被選舉權與罷免權,每一會員(會員代表)為一權。但贊助會員無前項權利。 |
第九條 |
會員有遵守本會章程、決議及繳納會費之義務。會員於當年度六月前未繳納會費者,不得享有會員權利。 |
第十條 |
會員(會員代表)有違反法令、章程或不遵守會員大會決議時,得經理事會決議,予以警告或停權處分,其危害團體情節重大者,得經會員大會決議予以除名。 |
第十一條 |
會員喪失會員資格或經會員大會決議除名者,即為出會。 |
第十二條 |
會員得以書面敘明理由向本會聲明退會。 |
第三章 組織及職員 |
第十三條 |
會員人數超過三百人以上時得分區比例選出會員代表,再召開會員代表大會,行使會員大會職權。會員代表任期三年,其名額及選舉辦法由理事會通過,報請主管機關核備後行之。 |
第十四條 |
- 訂定與變更章程。
- 選舉及罷免理事、監事。
- 議決入會費、常年會費、事業費及會員捐款之數額及方式。
- 議決年度工作計畫、報告及預算、決算。
- 議決會員(會員代表)之除名處分。
- 議決財產之處分。
- 議決本會之解散。
- 議決與會員權利義務有關之其他重大事項。
前項第八款重大事項之範圍由理事會定之。 |
第十五條 |
理事、監事得採用通訊選舉。但不得連續辦理。通訊選舉辦法由理事會通過報請主管機關核備後行之。 |
第十六條 |
六、其他應執行事項。 |
第十七條 |
理事長因事不能執行職務時,由理事長指定一副理事長代理。副理事長不能代理時,應指定常務理事代理之,未指定或不能指定時,由理事互推一人代理之。 |
第十八條 |
五、其他應監察事項 |
第十九條 |
監事長因事不能執行職務時,應指定監事一人代理之,未指定或不能指定時,由監事互推一人代理之。 |
第廿條 |
理事、監事均為無給職,任期三年,連選得連任。理事長之連任以一次為限。 |
第廿一條 |
四、受停權處分期間逾任期二分之一者。 |
第廿二條 |
工作人員權責及分層負責事項由理事會另定之。 |
第廿三條 |
本會得設各種委員會、小組或其他內部作業組織,其組織簡則由理事會擬訂,報經主管機關核備後施行,變更時亦同。 |
第廿四條 |
本會得由理事會聘請名譽理事長一人,名譽理事、顧問各若干人,其聘期與理事、監事之任期同。 |
第四章 會 議 |
第廿五條 |
定期會議每年召開一次,臨時會議於理事會認為必要,或經會員(會員代表)五分之一以上之請求,或監事會函請召集時召開之。 |
第廿六條 |
會員(會員代表)不能親自出席會員大會時,得以書面委託其他會員(會員代表)代理,每一會員(會員代表)以代理一人為限。 |
第廿七條 |
會員大會之決議,以會員(會員代表)過半數之出席,出席人數較多數之同意行之。但章程之訂定與變更、會員(會員代表)之除名、理事及監事之罷免、財產之處分、本會之解散及其他與會員權利義務有關之重大事項應有出席人數三分之二以上同意,本會辦理法人登記後,章程之變更以出席人數四分之三以上之同意或全體會員三分之二以上書面之同意行之。 |
第廿八條 |
前項會議召集時除臨時會議外,應於七日前以書面通知,會議之決議各以理事、監事過半數之出席,出席人數較多數之同意行之。 |
第廿九條 |
理事應出席理事會議,監事應出席監事會議,不得委託出席;理事、監事連續二次無故缺席理事會、監事會者,視同辭職。 |
第五章 經費及會計 |
第卅條 |
- 入會費:個人會員新台幣伍佰元,團體會員新台幣伍仟元,於會員入會時繳納。
- 常年會費:個人會員新台幣壹仟伍佰元,團體會員新台幣壹萬元。
- 永久會費:新台幣壹萬元。
- 事業費。
- 會員捐款。
- 委託收益。
- 基金及其孳息。
- 其它收入。
第卅一條 |
本會會計年度以歷年為準,自每年一月一日起至十二月卅一日止。 |
第卅二條 |
並於會計年度終了後二個月內由理事會編造年度工作報告、收支決算表、現金出納表、資產負債表、財產目錄及基金收支表,送監事會審核後,造具審核意見書送還理事會,提會員大會通過,於三月底前報主管機關核備(會員大會未能如期召開者,先報主管機關)。 |
第卅三條 |
第六章 附 則 |
第卅四條 |
本章程未規定事項,悉依有關法令規定辦理。 |
第卅五條 |
本章程經會員(會員代表)大會通過,報經主管機關核備後施行,變更時亦同。 |
第卅六條 |
本章程經本會八十三年十月二日第一屆第一次會員大會通過,並報經內政部83年11月9日台(83)內社字第8326949號函准予備查。 |
The Charter for Juridical Association of Consumer
Protection Association in Taiwan
Chapter 1 General Principles
Article 1.The name of THIS Association is designated as Juridical Association of Consumer Protection Association in Taiwan (CPAT hereafter).
Article 2.CPAT, by law, is a civil society established for the purpose of public interest and its main tenets are: to advance consumer interest, to enhance consumer status, and to promote consumer education.
Article 3. The organizational zones of CPAT are equivalent to those of national administrative echelons. The headquarters of CPAT is located at 6F-2 No.355 Bao-Tai Rd., Chien-Cheng Dist. Kaohsiung city 806, Taiwan. The CPAT may erect branches being first approved by the competent authorities.
Article 4. The simplified version of rules for erecting aforementioned branches shall be formulated by the Board Members, and it shall, after filing an application, be thereof ratified by the competent authorities and registeredas an official document.
The address of any branch, once established, or the address change of the headquarters shall be notified to the competent authorities and approved by it as an official document.
Article 5. The official duties of CPAT are:
1. to provide assistance to establish consumer advocacy groups in every region of Taiwan.
2. to conduct surveys, comparisons, research, and publicly issue a publication of the prices of goods and services.
3. to conduct surveys, comparisons, research, and publicly issue a publication of the quality of goods and services.
4. to conduct surveys, comparisons, research, and publicly issue a publication of the labeling and contents of goods and services.
5. to provide services of consultation, introduction, and dissemination in respect of consumer information.
6. to issue and disseminate consumer protection periodicals.
7. to engage in the investigation, analysis, and generalization of consumer’s opinions.
8.to handle a consumer complaint and mediate a consumer dispute.
9. to handle a consumer dispute and file a lawsuit for consumers.
10. to advise governmental authorities on stipulating laws or adopting administrative measures for the protection of
consumer rights.
11. to oversee traders and prompt them to adopt appropriate protective measures for consumers.
12. to test and certify the quality of goods and foods.
13. to provide assistance related to the protection of consumer rights.
Article 6. CPAT’s competent authority is Ministry of the Interior. All the actions aimed torealize CPAT’s organizational objectives shall be directed and overseen by related competent governmental authorities.
Chapter 2 Membership
Article 7. The requirements for membership are as follows:
1. Individual membership: any individual, aged 20 or above, has a Republic of China nationality and agrees on the tenets of CPAT.
2. Group membership: any group agreeing on the tenets of CPAT
3. Permanent membership:any person in compliance with the requirements of Section 1 has paid the permanent membership fee.
4. Sponsor membership: any individual or groupwilling to assist the work of CPAT. On applying for such membership, the applicant shall fillin admission application form, and after it is approved by the Board of Directors, s/he shall pay
membership fee. Group members shall designate 10 representatives from each group to execute membership rights.
Article 8. Each member (or each delegate from sponsor group members) shall have such rights to decide a resolution, to vote, to be elected, and to recall; on voting, one delegate (or each member) shall be counted as one vote. Individual sponsor member shall not have aforementioned rights.
Article 9. Members are obliged to abide by the Charter, comply with resolutions, and pay membership fees. Any member shall not be entitled to have membership rights without paying membership fee by June of each year.
Article 10. Any member or delegate violating laws, the Charter of CPAT, or the resolutions passed by the assembly of CPAT, the CPAT shall, by the resolution of the Board, issue a decision of warning or a suspension of membership rights.In case the violation is of severe consequences, the membership shall be terminated by a resolution of the
Article 11. Any member, in case of the forfeiture of membership qualifications or the termination of membership due to a resolution by the Assembly, shall be deemed to be expelled from the CPAT.
Article 12. Any member shall be able to terminate the membership in a written form illustrating the reasons of discontinuation.
Chapter 3 The Organization of CPAT and its Staff
The highest decision-making body of CPAT is exclusively vested in the Assembly of all CPAT members.
When the total number of members exceeds 300 persons or above, the members may proportionately elect a body of
representatives entitled to convoke the CPAT Assembly and perform its duties. Any representative serves a term of 3
years, and the total number of representatives and the electoral rules shall be passed or approved by the Board,
and then forwarded to the competent authorities for ratification as an official document and for performing duties thereof.
Article 13.The duties of the Assembly are as follows:
1. to stipulate or revise CPAT’s Charter;
2. to elect or recall Board members;
3. to decide on such matters as membership fee, permanent membership fee, yearly administrative
expenditure, and the sum and ways of donation by members;
4. to deliberate and decide on the annual executive planning,reports, budget,final accounting of revenue and
5. to deliberate and decide on the membership termination of a member, a delegate, or a representative.
6. to decide an act on the properties of CPAT.
7. to deliberate and decide on the dissolution of CPAT.
8. to deliberate and decide on other pivotal matters related to rights and duties of the members.
Article 14. the scope of pivotal matters in respect of Sec. 8 in Article 13 is regulated and determined by the Board.
Article 15. CPAT is composed of 15 directors and 5supervisors elected by representatives (and delegates) that, in
sequence, form the committee of directors and the committee of supervisors. On electing directors and
supervisors, the Assembly may concurrently elect 5 director candidates and 2 supervisor candidates on a
backup list according to the votes aggregated in the elections, and the candidates will replace absentees
should any vacancies occur. The incumbent Board may advance a list of director and supervisor candidates
for the next term of Board members.
The elections of directors and supervisors may be conducted through absentee ballots; nonetheless, the
practice of absentee balloting shall not be adopted for two terms in a row. The rules of absentee ballots
shall be deliberated and passed by the Board, and shall, before taking effect, be ratified by the competent
authorities as an official document.
Article 16. the executive power and duties of the Board are as follows:
1. to review and verify the qualifications of a new member.
2. to elect or recall managing directors, vice president, and president of CPAT.
3. to make a decision on the resignation of any director,managing director, vice president, and president.
4. to employ or discharge an employee.
5. to draft and set up the annual executive planning, reports,budget, and final accounting of revenue and
6. to perform other items of work deemed necessary.
Article 17. The Board set up a group of 5 managing directors elected directly by directors themselves, from which the directors in turn elect one of the managing directors to be president,two to be vice presidents.
Internally, the president of CPAT shall generally handle and oversee the routinely-executive affairs; externally, s/he shall act on behalf of CPAT, and assume the chairmanship of the Assembly as well as of
the Board.
Should the president, in case of pivotal matters, perform the obligation of CPAT by default, s/he shall
designate one of two vice presidents as an acting (or surrogate) president;or if the vice presidents cannot
be a surrogate, then one of the managing directors shall be designated instead; or should such a managing
director cannot be designated, the committee of directors shall recommend one acting president among
Article 18. The power and duties of the committee of supervisors
1. to oversee the execution of the Board’s daily or planned operations.
2. to examineand verify the annual final accounting of revenue and expenditure.
3. to elect or recall supervisor general.
4. to deliberate and decide on the resignation of supervisors or supervisor general.
5. to oversee other matters deemed necessary to be overseen.
Article 19. the committee of supervisors is set to have a supervisor general, who is directly elected by supervisors
themselves,and whose duty is, besides assuming the chairmanship, to oversee the daily routine or planned
operations.If the supervisor general cannot perform duties due to pivotal matters, s/he shall designate one
supervisor as a surrogate;when the supervisor general is unwilling or unable to appoint one, the supervisors
shall choose one among themselves.
Article 20. Directors or supervisors are the posts without receiving a compensation for their services. Each serves a
term of 3 years, and may getre-elected; nonetheless,president shall get re-elected for once.
Directors and supervisorsshall discharge their duties due to
1. the forfeiture of the qualification of a member or a representative.
2. the resignation approved by a resolution of the committee or directors or committee of supervisors.
3. the recall or recision.
4. a suspension of rights exceeding a half of his or her service term.
Article 21. CPAT is organized to have one secretary general and one chief financial officer who are ordained by the
president to manage the routine and planned operations. Other indefinite number of employees shall be
first nominated or recruited by the president, and then passed by the Board,and finally delivered up to the
competent authorities as an official document. However, the rescission of the post of secretary general
shall be notified in advance to the competent authorities for ratification.
Article 22. The aforementioned posts shall not be staffed by elected directors or supervisors.The division of labor and
its division’s task responsibility shall be regulated by the Board in other provisions.
Article 23. CPAT may erect a variety of committees, task force teams,and other internal operational organizations. The
concise rules for erecting these subunits shall be stipulated by the Board, and shall take effect after being
delivered up to the competent authorities for ratification as an official document. The change of such rules
shall be processed as stated above.
Article 24. CPAT may solicit one president emeritus, and several honorary directors or counselors; and the term of
such persons is equivalent to that of a director or a supervisor.
Chapter 4 The Convocation of Assembly and other Conferences
Article 25. The Assembly shall meet in ways of periodic and provisional meetings. Except for a provisional meeting in
case of emergency, the Assembly shall be convened by the president who has to deliver a written notice to
all members 15 days before the convening date.
Periodic meeting shall convene once a year; provisional meeting shall convene when it is deemed
necessary by the Board, or by the request of more than 1/5 of all members (representatives), or the written
request of the committee of supervisors.
When a member (or representative) cannot attend the Assembly in person, s/he may entrust another
member (or representative) to be a surrogate in a written document; the surrogate shall represent a
member only.
Article 26. A resolution of the Assembly shall be attended by over 1/2 all members and passed by the majority of the
attendees to take effect. In respect of the stipulation or revision of the Charter, termination of membership,
recall of a director or supervisor, appropriation and execution of properties,dissolution of CPAT, and other
pivotal matters related to a member’s rights and obligations, 2/3 of the attendees shall be required.
After formally registering as a legal person, the changes of Charter shall be agreed by over 3/4 of
attendees, or over 2/3 of all members in a written form.
Article 27. The committee of directors or supervisors shall convene at least once every 3 months; whenever
necessary, each may individually convene a provisional meeting, or jointly convene a joint meeting.
Article 28. Except for provisional meetings, the notice of any committee meetings in Article 27 shall be delivered in a
written form to committee members 7 days prior to the convening date. In each committee, any resolution
shall be attended by over 1/2 of all committee members, and shall be concurrently passed by the majority
to take effect.
Article 29. Each director or supervisor shall attend the committee in person, and shall not entrust a surrogate; a
director or supervisor, absent at the committee without rightful reasons two times in a row, shall be deemed
as an act of resignation.
Chapter 5. Budget and Accounting
Article 30.The sources of CPAT’s revenue are:
1. Membership fees: membership fee is 500 NT dollars for an individual, and 5,000 NT dollars for group
members. Fees shall be paid when an individual registers and is admitted.
2. Annual membership fees: 500 NT dollars for an individual, 10,000 NT dollars for group members.
3. Permanent membership fees: 10,000 NT dollars.
4. Operation-generated revenue.
5. Donation fund by members.
6. Revenue generated by commissioned work
7. Foundation fund.
8. Other sources of revenue.
Article 31. The format for CPAT’s accounting year is based upon those of preceding years, beginning on January 1
and ending on December 31 of each year.
The Board shall, two months prior to the beginning of each accounting year, propose a table for yearly
operations plan, a table for “revenue and expenditure” budget plan, and a table of staff salary. Those
proposals shall be passed by the Assembly (or passed by a director-supervisor joint committee should the
Assembly be unable to convene as scheduled), and sent to the competent authorities for ratification as an
official document before the beginning of each accounting year.
Article 32. The Board shall, within two months after the end of the accounting year, advance an annual operations
report, a table of the final accounting of “revenue and expenditure,” a table of cash revenue and
expenditure, a asset-debt table, a catalogue of properties, and a table of foundation fund of revenue and
expenditure. Such tables and reports shall be sent to the supervisors committee for examination and
ratification. The committee’s review opinions shall be passed by the Assembly, and sent to the competent
authorities for ratification as an official document by the end of March. ( if the Assembly cannot be
convened as scheduled, the tables and reports shall be sent to the competent authorities first)
Article 33. After a dissolution of CPAT, the remaining properties shall belong to an institution or an association
designated by the competent authorities.
Chapter 6 Supplementary Provisions
Article 34. Matters not included in the Charter shall proceed by related laws and regulations.
Article 35. The Charter shall be passed by the Assembly, and sent to the competent authorities for ratification as an
official document. The changes of the Charter shall proceed likewise.
Article 36. The Charter was passed at the first Assemblyon October 2, 1994, and sent to Ministry ofthe Interior on
November 9, 1994 for ratification as an official document.
(No. 8326949, the letter from Ministry of the Interior)